söndag 30 juni 2019

You havet no cloue hö its to not feeling and reamember IF it is My moom in s rval days. Was she there was she moom when i was small and so on. Next is when i diddent had My familie and feemeliur. All a had was My friends like familie..
And in sat in task forse sametime.
Paas. My dadds.. and all i whanted was to go home.
You fint know how  it is to race Up Whit Friends to try to reamember in memorie. And all they was was shadow. But the feeling was strong to getter sometings WHO droog me there. You fint know how it is to meet someone in the stoore. And say hej. Hello and dont know who it is , even IF you meet him before kopple times.. Rhen come home sit om computer and texted about stoore. A feemilär face but No background in the head.
So My friend, sometime i had to ask.
Woke Up whit a smell in head. And traumas. But sometimes the feeling go hard inpulse something femeliur.
So it was in many years.
Even this what to so now. Gets Up to so coffie and next time om in next room and forgott THE coffie. To think to so coffie and THE coffie allredy there. . To get out and feel this way is not right. It take two secound twi to forgott again. Even whis streeat you whent on.. like that. It goes in moments all time. But worse feeling is to reamember inside you someone you likes in love. But not could reamember named or face.
But IF you come forvard against me maby i revougnice something.. sometimes you could show your self. And heart dosent know why you are Loves inside and sometimes its moment a recognice like a word i ream mber but dont know why.
This reamember like diffrent laungris exemple. Know sometings i once could but not know. .  

Sometimes a reamember just for athers reamember. Just yesterday we looked in piturs om a house in been in younger. We discoused  it. Om some piture come Up some memorie. Like a ved. Like meeat bolls and prruoott..

How to Survivor amne stones.. that and ptsd in that?
One Day in Times . .  Somedays om calm but dissye, that could been reckognize Whit task some day.. /)
Some Words .. /)
But when i come home, in take One moment in time. Om started to play memorie game, to reamember THE card , two secound med it is frustration in hool body. Im am get (sur) om card and me that its goone again. /) My terapist say it could came back or not, that it could been hål in memorie asp./ Ask/ \ that was hardest, when we notice this fiirst and later take Contact, we never gets some help over it. This should bwen normal.like that. But it feelds Up life. /) And know its foult in life that hardest.. / / am try to take it normal and dont think om it. But some days is so abnormal day its hard to forgott.. and need to sometimes need to learn övee again and needed to feel peapol again . Like there är. Sometimes it come Up , dö you reamember this and this.. like you WHO you are.. / but tas allways been there in byggraports

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